Super Renders Farm are so glad to announce that our lastest update, Corona 5 for 3ds Max 2019 is availale on the system. You can sign in and experience new update now. This version focuses mostly on optimizations, saving both memory and render times for general rendering, and more specifically for displacement and caustics:
- Memory and render time savings right out of the box, without the need to change anything in the scene.
- 2.5D Displacement – New default displacement calculation method, which gives you much faster scene parsing and even more memory savings.
- Caustics Optimizations – Caustics render faster and use less memory, no changes needed to the scene.
- General Optimizations – There are overall memory and render time savings, including for geometry processing and more.
- ColorCorrect Optimizations – The performance of the Corona Color Correct map has been improved.
- Hair – Corona now uses half the memory, and some artifacts have been removed.
- Corona Material Library updated (17 new basic Hair materials, 10 new Skin materials, and some smaller fixes).
Source: Corona Blog
Refer to some our update:
Corona Renderer 5 for Cinema 4D (R19/R20)
Animation Prepass for V-Ray Next
UHD Cache for Corona on 3ds Max Update
Try corona rendering free on our system: