Here's the summary of the steps to use Cinema 4D and SuperRenders:
- Log into the SuperRenders website.
- In the web manager interface, click on the "SRF Space" button.
- Next, click on the button that says “Upload file or folder” to upload your Cinema 4D project.
- After uploading it to the system, open the file and click on Scenes to analyze it.
- Select the software version and the render engine version, then click on Analyze Scene.
- The system will analyze the file and provide any warnings or errors, if any. If there are no errors, click on the "Start render job" button.
- Once the render job is complete, click on "Download render output".
- Right-click on the newly appeared folder and select "Download" to save the "render output" to your computer.
Watch the video below for a detailed tutorial on rendering Cinema4D on SuperRenders.