Cinema 4D and Redshift Renderer

Open your scene in Cinema 4D with Redshift Renderer, and then open the Cinema 4D render settings to get your scene ready to be rendered online.

Please navigate to the Redshift render settings. Under the 'AOV' tab, configure the Redshift settings to remove any noise from the image.

Go to the 'AOV' tab in the Redshift render settings if you need an "AOV" file.

Activate the 'Multi-Pass EXR' option if you need to render all the passes in a single file online.

Now you open the Redshift AOV manager.

In the Redshift AOV manager, add all the passes you need.

Now please navigate to the "Save" tab in the Cinema 4D render settings.

Please define a save path for the regular image by clicking on the "..." button.

Set a name and save path for your results and then click on "Save."

Also, please set a name and a save path for your multipass image.

In order to get the multipass image, please set 'OpenEXR' as the output format.

Now, you can package your project C4D .

Start Rendering with Super Renders Farm: 
