Rendering Cinema 4D Scenes Using Arnold Renderer with AOVs
If your Cinema 4D scene is rendered with Arnold and you require multi-pass AOVs, there are two different situations that may arise.
1. You require your output to be multi-layered with a beauty pass, BUT all the layers are included in one file.
(e.g. renderfile.exr)
2. You require the output of AOVs and a beauty pass to be rendered as individual files.
(e.g. renderfile.jpg, renderfile_diffuse.exr, renderfile_specular.exr, renderfile_Z.exr, etc.)
In order to render with Arnold and output the correct files, you'll need to make sure your settings match your desired output.
For this help article, we are using EXR. It is considered best practice to use EXR for multi-layered output as it is both high dynamic-range (HDR) and space efficient. EXR was created by ILM specifically for use with visual effects, and is an industry standard format supported by all high-end 3D and compositing programs. If you're rendering for a linear workflow and want to save space while maintaining quality with lossless compression or rendering a lot of passes, the EXR file format is best.
(NOTE: The following instructions assume that you have already setup your AOVs using the Arnold Driver)
Merged AOVs
If you require your output to be multi-layered with a beauty pass, BUT all the layers are included in one file, (e.g., renderfile.exr). There are a few settings that need to be enabled:
(Example of a layered .exr file open in Photoshop.)
STEP 1 - With your scene file open in C4D, open the Render Settings window.
Ctrl-B OR click "Render" > "Edit Render Settings."
Inside the Render Settings window, enable the Save element. Once the Save element is enabled, select Regular Image, check-mark Save [enter a file name], choose the Format OpenEXR, and then choose a naming convention.
Multi-Pass Image, check-mark Save [enter a file name], and choose the format OpenEXR.
STEP 2 Open the Object Manager.
Shift+F1 OR click "Window" > "Object Manager"
Inside the Objects window, click on the Arnold Driver Object [Arnold Driver].
The Arnold Driver Attributes will appear in the Attributes window. If your Attributes window is not open, press Shift+F5 OR click "Window" > "Attribute Manager"
View Driver and Main.
1. Within the Driver Attribute, make sure the driver is set to "driver_exr."
2. Check Enable AOVs and Merge AOVs.
3. Within the Main Attribute, make sure the File Path is set to
[from render settings (multipass)]
Set the compression to [none]
After you have completed the previous steps, please "Save Project with Assets" to make all of your scene asset paths relative in the C4D scene file.
You are ready to upload your scene and assets and run a test render.
Un-Merged AOVs
If you require the output of AOVs and a beauty pass to be rendered as individual files.
(e.g., renderfile.jpg, renderfile_diffuse.exr, renderfile_specular.exr, renderfile_Z.exr, etc.)
Follow all the steps above WITH AN EXCEPTION to Step 2 B
Step 2 B - Check Enable AOVs and DO NOT CHECK Merge AOVs
After you have completed the previous steps, please "Save Project with Assets" to make all of your scene asset paths relative in the C4D scene file.
You are now ready to upload your scene and assets and run a test render.
Start Rendering with Super Renders Farm: