Why do we need the “Render node templates” feature?
Incompatibility issues can arise when the software, renderer engines, and plugins used in your projects don't match the ones pre-configured on the render farm's default setup. This mismatch can cause a variety of problems, ranging from unexpected outputs with graphical errors to time-consuming to wait for the render farm customizing the render nodes template or even failed renders.
For instance, your project utilized Cinema 4D with Vray 5, while the render farm operates on the most recent version, Vray 6. In these cases, the render farm may not render your project or give you unexpected results.
To avoid these problems, we create the “Render node template” to help you build a new render nodes template by customizing your softwares, renderer engines and plugins on your own before submitting a render job. Especially, you only need to customize once and then you can use it every time.
How to use “Render Node Templates" feature
SuperRenders supports a range of major softwares, renderer engines, and plugins. Before starting your render job, please check to verify if we support the software you're using.
- If we support your exact version of softwares, renderer engines and plugins you used in your projects, you can render with the usual steps using the default setup
- If not, please customize your render node templates in website before start rendering by following these steps
Step 1: Open the “Render Node Templates” tab using one of the 2 ways below:
- Method 1: Go to the Sidebar at the SRF Space, click Render Node Templates to open this tab
- Method 2: Click on 'Click here” in Add New Render job or Analyze Scene modal to navigate to the Render Node Templates tab.
Add New Render Job modal
Analyze Scene modal
Step 2: Click on “Customize a new template” button to open the “Customize a new template” modal
- Name the new template and create a description for the template => Select the base template => Click “Next” and wait for the template ready for customization
- Select the base template that best suits your needs to save the installation time
- You are allowed to create only one template at a given time
Step 3: Click on the 'Connect' button and connect with the remote desktop using the Remote Desktop Connection via this way
- Click “Download RDP” on RDP Connection popup to download RDP .rdp file. Click this file to open Remote Desktop Connection
Paste the password provided on RDP Connection popup => Connect.
( If it has a warning about The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Just click Yes to connect
- After connecting to the remote desktop, INSTALL the software, renderer engines and plugins you used in your projects => Turn off the remote desktop to back to the Render Node Template tab
3. Each connection with the remote desktop is limited to 4 hours. Please contact the support team to extend this time; otherwise, your customizations will be deleted.
Step 4: Click on “Save” button => Wait to save this template
If the saving process is completed, the status of this template will be displayed as 'Ready'.
4. You can edit the template you've created by going to the 'Render Node Templates' tab and clicking on the 'Re-Customize' button.
Click “Connect” button if you want to edit the software, renderer engines and plugins in this template => Open the Remote Desktop Connection following the methods described in Step 3, then make the necessary changes => Close Remote Desktop session => click “Save” button
5. You can save the existing template as a new one by clicking on the “...” icon to open the expand actions => click Save As => Fill in the information as in Step 2 to create a new template => Click OK
6. The existing template will be automatically deleted if you are not active within 2 months
When you add a new render job, you'll need to select the version of the software, renderer engines you are using. Upon selection, your customized render node template will be visible in the selection box. The server system will automatically use this template to build multiple render nodes and assign them to your render job.
Above is the complete guide on how to customize a render node template. If you need any further instructions, please contact the support team. We hope the new feature will make your rendering process smoother and more efficient!