How to estimate the price of the project and what does “frame per node” mean?

1. How to estimate the price of the project 

To get a quick estimate, you can use our Cost Calculator. Remember though, all projects are varied and very different depending on how complicated your files are. It’s only an approximation and for your reference only and it only works for animations.

To get a more accurate estimate, we highly recommend running a test job with few typical frames using Incremental Step*

For example:

If you fill in 1 in the incremental step box, frames 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...etc will be rendered.

If you fill in 100 in the incremental step box, frames 0, 100, 200, etc will be rendered.

Also, there are significant differences between SuperRendersFarm and local rendering that you should be aware of.

On your local

When you look at the frame render time on your local machine and see that it takes 5 minutes, for example, it might be different once you render the same frame here.

On our farm

Our system needs to load your scene first, open the scene, render, save the results,... All of those are accountable for rendering time, which may drive the total time up.

Especially if you have a messy file or many large scene assets, such as large texture files, the actual time can rise, and you may feel your estimated price seems to be too low.

2. "Frame per node" is a way to save the loading, opening time

Normally, our system will assign one machine to render each frame of yours. That may cause the problem regarding opening file time. 

To shorten the total of actual time , You can refer to this option “ Frame per node” on our add new render job form  

With the option frames per node, if you write 5, one node will open your scene once and render your five frames in one turn, which saves the opening time (and also the render cost).

Note that:  the speed when you choose one frame per node is faster overall and easier to monitor the progress.

It’s up to you to choose between speed and low cost, or the best of both.