My job FAILED!!!

Here are some tips when you get a job failed. If that doesn't work, please contact us!

1. Check your name path and your file name

- Please make sure that your path name does not contain any non-standard characters like (1), /, \, ", %, #, ? or language specific non-ASCII characters like Cyrillic or Korean alphabet. If your scene contains such characters, it's always best to change them. 



* You should remove (1) and other special characters in your name path and file.

* Output File allowed: png/tif/tga/bmp/jpg/exr and hdr

* Format output should be output_name.png or output_name.tif/tga/bmp/jpg/exr/hdr

2. Check your Camera name

You have to fill EXACTLY your camera name like in your file setting.

3. Contact Us

- Please list your Job #ID, your plugin name and version, your rendered name and version, then send it to us.

- Open your ticket -> Click here.

- Chat with us via Skype: live:superrendersfarm

Start Rendering with Super Renders Farm: 
