After you sign up for a Super Renders Farm account, let's have a look at the main site:
In case you haven't had any jobs ready to render, please click the blue button. Go to Super Renders Farm (SRF) Spaces to get to know our system by trying to test the available projects there.
The Render Dashboard executes your most recent jobs.
Please click define a transfer method and click sync output to get your Render Outputs then you can use both SRF Spaces and your cloud account to upload your projects.
- ID #... Scene presents the information about the job ID, the number of frames, the scene name, the output path, the priority you chose before, and the time period from when you submitted a job.
- Cost is the number of Super Points that you have to charge for a job.
- Status includes In Rendering / Paused / Completed / Error, job progress bar and progress percentage.
- In the Action section, we have:
- start button: to start a new job and continue a paused job
- pause button: to pause a job
- redownload button: to re-download a job's outputs deleted by accident
- delete button: to delete a job
5. Render Log shows you the log that is the same as your renderer message box.
First frame preview: shows you the preview of the first frame in your rendering. It has 10 times less quality than the original one and tells you whether your job can be rendered or not.
6. Common issues: where you can find some tips to render your job at Super Renders Farm smoothly.
7. Support Ticket: where you can reach out to us when you need our assistance after trying many ways to resolve common issues.
What do we have in FILE STORAGE SRF Spaces?
Your working folder where you can add your projects shows up here.
You can review all your jobs submitted to our farm in Jobs History.
Render Jobs History will show you all the information you want to know such as Scene name, its Cost, its Status, etc.
Last but not least, our Customer Support Team is always here to assist you. Don't hesitate to contact us!
Hope you enjoy rendering with us!
Start Rendering with Super Renders Farm: