How to use our Cost Calculator Tool?

Super Point is the charging unit for Super Renders Farm users. One point is equal to $1.

So how do you use our Cost Calculator Tool?

For example,

  1. You have an animation project with 500 frames and one frame takes 10 minutes to render (including loading the scene/assets and render time, e.g., 3 minutes for loading the scene & necessary assets and 7 minutes for rendering on your PC).
  2. You are using an Intel Core i7-3970 @ 3.30GHz.

Our system will compare the render time on your own PC and ours to estimate the cost and the render time of the whole project at Super Renders Farm.


Regarding the calculator, the project above costs you $39.6 and takes you 11.6 minutes to render if you choose the silver priority.

Finally, you have successfully estimated the budget and the time you need to render your job. OR simply, with the free $20 we give you after you sign up for an account, you can submit some frames to test for the most accurate results.

Please come to the Cost Calculator tool. 

Start Rendering with Super Renders Farm: 
