- There are usually two reasons why a plugin is missing from the shelf.
Cause 1 - Plugin did not install in the correct Maya scripts directory
You can check if this is the cause by running a command in Maya script editor:
Paste the following text into the Python box, select all of it and click run:
If Plugin window opens, this is not the cause of the missing shelf icon, please proceed to the Cause 2.
If it does not open and script editor shows error like:
ImportError: file <maya console> line 1: No module named Yeti
It means that it is not installed or installed in the wrong location:
The default Maya scripts directory is:
Windows: C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\maya\scripts\mayaBeamer
OSX: /Users/{YourUserName}/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/mayaBeamer
Please make sure that you installed the plugin on the same user account that you are using Maya. This needs to be a user account that has administrator privileges.
Cause 2 - Some 3rd party addon interfered with adding plugin icon, or any other reason
Find and Delete the 3rd party addon at your machine.
- In case the first method fails, please apply the second method.
Sometimes the plugin icon disappears because Maya loses the ability to read custom shelves correctly. It is enough to remove existing userPrefs.mel file.
userPrefs.mel file is located here:
Win: C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\maya\201X\prefs\userPrefs.mel
OSX: /Users/{YourUserName}/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/201x/prefs/userPrefs.mel
Please check if the plugin's visible in Maya's shelf afterwards.
In case you still experience issues or need assistance, please get in touch with our support. In solving this issue on our side, it would be useful for us to see the content of the Output window and userSetup.py file, please prepare them and show them to us whenever it is possible.
How to remove the plugin files and uninstall the plugin
To uninstall the plugin completely, please remove all plugin files, the default locations are:
Windows: C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\maya\scripts\
OSX: /Users/{YourUserName}/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/
and remove it from Maya shelf, similar way as it's described in Cause2 -> Method2.
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