Why do we need "Troubleshoot Machine" feature?
It seems to be difficult to avoid all errors when rendering on a cloud render farm, because of differences in software settings, scene settings, or others between your local machine and our cloud render farm machines. To troubleshoot the issues, you can request a Troubleshoot Machine which is a powerful machine off-site and compatible with most of the other render machines in Super Renders farm.
What is a Remote Troubleshoot Machine
A Remote Troubleshoot Machine is a Windows computer, in which all the software and plugin are installed similarly to all the render nodes in Super Renders farm.
In the remote troubleshooting machine, the default disk name is "S", which is a network drive mounted to a copied version of your SRF Spaces (Notes: in all the render nodes in Super Renders farm, they are using drive S to mount to your original SRF Spaces data).
While modifying/updating your scene files in the remote troubleshooting machine, outputs must be saved directly to S:\SuperRendersOutput or subfolders in S:\SuperRendersOutput. When any render job is being rendered, every output file in the folder "SuperRendersOutput" always be uploaded to the folder SuperRendersOutput in your SRF Spaces.
You can use the remote troubleshooting machine just like your own computer. After modifying/updating your project files, it is recommended to upload to your SRF Spaces and submit the render job directly from the remote troubleshooting machine using Super Renders App or Submission Plugin.
How to request Remote Troubleshoot Machine
Step 1: Go to Troubleshoot Machine menu
After signing in to your account in our website https://superrendersfarm.com, select Troubleshoot Machine menu on the left
Step 2: Request New Machine
From Troubleshoot Machine page, click on the Request New Machine button and you can see the Request New Machine windows form.
From this form, select your Machine Type and transfer data from SRF Spaces to Troubleshoot Machine option
We also recommend you read the note Few things you should know before using Troubleshoot Machine to thoroughly understand how it works.
Then click the Request New Machine button
Step 3: Connect to Troubleshoot Machine by Microsoft Desktop Connection Protocol
A remote machine will boot up, usually, it will take some minutes to complete booting (depending on how big your data in SRF Spaces need to be transferred).
One booting up finish, a Connect button will appear, then you can click on it to have Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection credential.
On your Microsoft Remote Desktop Connect application, enter the provided Remote Address, Username, and Password to connect Remote Troubleshoot Machine.
Step 4: Using Remote Troubleshoot Machine
Once you are remote to the Troubleshoot Machine, you will have:
Your project uploaded on SRF Spaces will be placed under S hard drive
All software in this machine is exactly the same version which use by other render nodes
Please use this machine just like your own computer: After modifying/updating your project files, it is recommended to upload to your SRF Spaces and submit the render job directly from the remote troubleshooting machine using Super Renders App or Submission Plugin.
How to Transfer Data between SRF Spaces and Troubleshoot Machine
Because the data in Troubleshoot Machine just is a copied version of your SRF Spaces; therefore, you need to take some notes:
If you upload more files from your local computer to SRF Spaces and want to transfer them to Troubleshoot Machine, please click on Transfer Data From SRF Spaces to Machine button via Troubleshoot Machine web page.
If you upload all your modified files from Troubleshoot Machine to SRF Spaces, please click on Upload Data From Machine to SRF Spaces button via Troubleshoot Machine web page