Here is a few tips that can speed up render times.

- Make sure you are rendering at a correct dimensions. 1280×720 is perfectly fine for Videos. 1920×1080 can increase render time dramatically.
- Check your anti-aliasing in your Render settings. Min 1×1 and Max can be set 2×2 is usually good. No need to use 4×4 which is default can increase render times significantly.
- Shadows. Adjust what type of shadows you have on your lights Physically accurate setting will increase your render times. When another shadow can be just as good.
- Global illumination – can make your renders look really professional. But will also increase render times. Make sure you need it.
- When rendering make sure you don’t have all you quality settings on High(Anti-aliasing, GI, AO, Reflections) when previewing.
- Go to Render Menu – Make Preview for just previewing renders.
- Make sure any Reflective on Transparent materials are needed. Reflections will dramatically increase render times.
- Do you have an old computer lying around. You could use team render to use the power of all your computers to give you a bump in render speed. Team render is free with any purchase of Cinema 4D and is easy to set-up.
Here is a render basics video that goes over these terms and settings:
See also
- Cinema4D And OneDrive Problems?
- Cinema 4D R21 released with new licensing options
- Super Renders Farm– Powerful and Smart cloud render farm.