3ds Max User Interface or viewport is slow or lags when navigating the scene, or playing an animation.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Objects in the scene with multiple layers in the modifier stack.
- Poorly optimized objects.
Below is a collection of the most up-to-date solutions available. The list is not complete, and the final solution may require one, or a combination of the following:
Multiple Modifiers
Ensure each asset is collapsed to one layer in the modifier stack unless they require modifiers such as Skin or Physique.
Poor Object optimization
One (or more) of the objects will be causing the slowdown. Create a new scene and use the import > merge feature of 3ds Max and import objects one by one until the User Interface or animation becomes negatively impacted. Once you find the offending object(s) it / they must be fixed in a separate session and re-saved.
See also:
- How To Change The Graphics Display Drivers In 3ds Max Before Launch
- Scene objects become Bounding Boxes in 3ds Max Viewport
- Super renders Farm- powerful and smart cloud render farm.