At the attempt to load any file or a specific scene file in Maya, the program crashes. In some cases, a fatal error occurs with the crash. A customer error report window might be displayed.
There are multiple potential causes for this behavior:
- Unsupported System Requirements or Graphics Card.
- Corrupt scene file.
- A plug-in that was originally used to create the scene file is not loaded, or is no longer installed.
- Corrupted Preferences.
Choose from the options to solve the issues:
Unsupported or unmet system requirements
Use the following resources to confirm that the computer meets the necessary requirements to run Maya in a stable fashion:
- System requirements for Autodesk Maya.
- Maya, Maya Creative, Arnold, MotionBuilder & Mudbox Certified Hardware.
Corrupt scene file
- If the file is corrupt, revert to a previous version of the file. If possible save as Maya ASCII as they are usually more possible to recover from corruption.
- In some cases, importing the scene file into a new (empty) Maya scene can resolve the issues.
- If only specific elements of the scene are corrupted, use the Optimize Scene Size tool to remove those nodes.
- To avoid data loss due to corrupted files in future, consider to use Auto Save in case that no versions of the scene file have been saved
Note: The Optimize Scene Size operation cannot be undone. Always save a backup copy of the file before using this tool.
Plug-in data
Missing or unloaded plugins can cause issues when loading a file in Maya.
- If a required plug-in is still installed, load the plug-in through the Plug-in Manager.
- If the file is in ASCII format, open it in a text document and remove the line where it requires the plug-in.
Corrupted Maya Preferences
Use the following guide to clear out corrupted preferences: How to reset the Maya Preferences to Default.
Run Maya Security Plugin
Utilize the Maya Security Tool to clean the file to ensure it’s not being impacted by a malicious script.
Security Tools for Autodesk® Maya® 2023 – 2015 | Maya | Autodesk App Store
Source: Autodesk