How to install Maya 2019.2, which can be downloaded from Autodesk Accounts portal via rpm package installer on a Linux CentOS 7.5 system.
For installing Maya 2019.2 on Linux render nodes via command line.
Scripting Maya 2019.2 installation on multiple systems.
1.Download Autodesk_Maya_2019_2_Update_Linux_64bit.tgz file from your Autodesk Accounts portal.
2.Open a terminal on your Linux system.
3. Change to root user by running the command below, and when asked provide root user password
su –
4. Untar rpms from Autodesk_Maya_2019_2_Update_Linux_64bit.tgz file
tar -xvzf Autodesk_Maya_2019_2_Update_Linux_64bit.tgz
5. Install following rpms
rpm -ivh adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh adlmflexnetclient-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh Maya2019_64-2019.0-8774.x86_64.rpm
6. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/R14/lib64/
7. Register Maya 2018 with your product serial number
/usr/autodesk/maya2019/bin/adlmreg -i N 657K1 657K1 2019.0.0.F 123-12345678 /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2019/MayaConfig.pit
Note: change 123-12345678 with your Maya serial number, and if you have a standalone Maya license change N to S.
8. Create a plane text /usr/autodesk/maya2019/bin/License.env file with following content
9. To install MtoA Arnold plugin for Maya 2019 installer, run following command
10. For Substance and Bifrost installation commands are
rpm -ivh Substance.rpm
rpm -ivh bifrost.rpm
Note: This workflow assumes that /var/flexlm/maya.lic file, client license for Maya was already on the system. If this is not a case, create /var/flexlm/maya.lic file with following content (change serverName to the actual license server hostname or its IP address).
SERVER serverName 0