Issue: During installation of an Autodesk product, the following error message is display: The system cannot open the device or file specified. Here are examples […]
Tag: super renders farm
[Corona]: I can see dark/ bright strips in my rendering
Issue: For distributed rendering to work properly, all of the PCs taking part in it should be rendering exactly the same image and then submitting […]
Render Points Calculator Update
We have a good news for you! Super Renders Farm updated render point calculator. With the updated system, render points are not calculated by minutes […]
SRF Space Upload Speed is Improved.
Super Renders Farm are so glad to announce that upload speed to SRF Space increased 5 times compared to before (faster than Dropbox and Google […]
Solo Studio, inspires for creative advertising.
Probably it is not easy to access the latest technology without advertising anywhere. Understanding this fact, Solo Studio, a Motion Graphics and Video Production studio […]
Build own render farm or Rent a render farm service
Render farm is not a new concept for the field of renderering use. However, which render farm solution is the best option? The following article […]