Adobe has released Substance 3D Stager 2. New features include the ability to create turntable animations, real-time rendering in render mode, USD export workflow, CAD import, New crash reporter workflows and more
- [Animation] Added new orbit animation preset with duration, target, reverse, and easing controls.
- [Animation] Added new spin animation preset with duration, target, reverse, and easing controls.
- [Animation] Added new timeline panel for previewing animation with play, stop, and scrub controls.
- [Animation] Added new interface controls in render mode for exporting animations as image sequences of PNG or PSD (one image per frame of animation).
- [Render mode] Added ability to use the real time rendering engine while in render mode for quick exports and fast animation previews.
- [Import] CAD formats are now available for import for all users.
- [USD export] Added support for exporting geometry, normals, transforms, and hierarchy information.
- [USD export] Added support for exporting materials in USD preview surface definition. Best for use with external apps.
- [USD export] Added support for exporting materials in Adobe Standard Material definition. Best for use with Adobe apps.
- [USD export] Added support for exporting cameras including transform, field of view, and depth of field information.
- [USD export] Added support for exporting environment lighting. Multiple layers in Stager’s environment system will be baked on export to a single environment light.
- [USD export] Added support for exporting physical light objects (spot, point, area, and directional light objects).
- [USD export] Added support for exporting ground plane information. Note, Stager’s ground plane is unique and may not import to other apps.
- [USD import] Added support for reading visibility of objects when importing USD files.
- [Crash reporting] Added new workflows for in-app reporting of crashes. The crash reporting window will show on application restart.
- [Actions] Added new actions for mirroring selected objects in global and local space. Choose axis orientation (X, Y, Z).
- [Properties] Added support for negative scale in the properties panel. Allows inverting and flipping meshes.
- [Rendering] Added support for negative scaling in the rendering engine. Previously inverted meshes would render with graphic issues.
- [Preference] Added a preference for setting the default resolution of SBSAR materials. The default preference is 1024.
- [Starter assets] Updated and added new parametric models to the starter assets.
See more details on the Substance 3D website.