Autodesk has announced the release of 3ds Max 2023. Some of the highlights include: Retopology Pre-processing allowing users to handle larger amounts of data with […]
Month: March 2022
TyFlow 1.004 released
Tyson Ibele recently released TyFlow 1.004, the 3rd update since the plugin’s commercial release at the end of January. A long list of notable improvements, […]
VdbRemesh Modifier for 3ds Max
Poly Design has released VdbRemesh, a new C++ based Multi-threaded openVDB remeshing modifier for 3dsMax. It includes a procedural filter stack that has 10 filters […]
Building Generator script for 3ds Max
Milan Šaffek has released a free script for 3ds Max that can create buildings by assembling and slicing pre-built components along splines or using a […]